【Meachine Learning】05 practical advices
1. feature engineering feature engineering 2. check model convergence 2.1 how make sure that gradient descent is working well? plot the cost function J, which is calculated on the training s...
1. feature engineering feature engineering 2. check model convergence 2.1 how make sure that gradient descent is working well? plot the cost function J, which is calculated on the training s...
0 background some definition about feature engineering: the definition of feature engineering is the process of selecting, manipulating, and transforming raw data into features that bette...
1 background first, let’s see an example of classification problem. and is the simplest example, binary classification. why logistic regression? why not linear regression? because linear regre...
background In general, the number of features is more than the number of samples. just like the following example: So how to solve this problem? at first, let’s take a look at the Vectorization...
simplest demo intuition with simplest demo we have a training set of data, and we want to predict the value of a target variable. how to do it? breifly, here are the steps: we have much know...
1. Demo Application Description Web Search Search engines like Google, Bing, and Baidu use machine learning to rank web pages for relevant search r...
process 个人博客:https://juejin.cn/post/7002911266385707022 target: https://robotkang.cc/ziyuan 选择 jekyll theme: http://jekyllthemes.org/themes/jekyll-theme-chirpy/ chirpy 文档:https://chirpy.c...
0 Reference Description url coursera: ai-for-everyone (2021-10) https://www.coursera.org/learn/ai-for-everyone/home/week/3 1. building co...
Latin Phrase English Phrase Chinese Translation Demo Sentence Chinese Sentence Pros and cons 优点和缺点 We need to consider the pros a...
Abbreviations Abbr Full Chinese Demo Sentence Chinese Sentence ASAP As soon as possible 尽快 Please send the report ASA...